If you own or operate a business selling merchandise to customers, you should be aware of both express and implied warranties associated with what you sell. For instance, if you sell new items that come from the manufacturer with a written, or...

If you own or operate a business selling merchandise to customers, you should be aware of both express and implied warranties associated with what you sell. For instance, if you sell new items that come from the manufacturer with a written, or...
A will, or last will and testament, is a legal document that designates who gets your assets when you pass away. In California, as in all states, there are specific requirements for creating a valid will that will make it through probate court...
If you own and operate a business, you know how thrilling—but also frustrating—the experience can be. When all is going well with your business, running it can feel incredibly rewarding. But inevitably, as you know, disputes will arise....
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was landmark legislation that sought to protect those with disabilities in the employment process, from a company’s posting a job opening, to the interviewing and hiring process, and throughout...
Probate is a legal proceeding through which the estate of a deceased person is administered to named beneficiaries—if there is a last will and testament—or to family members through the law of intestate succession if there is no will....
Any person or entity operating a business is no doubt going to need to enter into agreements with others to help supply or run the operations. If you sell products, you’ll need an agreement with another party or parties to provide those...
Title 1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 places duties and restrictions on U.S. employers with 15 or more employees in three phases of the employment process: the job interview and pre-offer phase, the post-job-offer phase, and...
Power of attorney (POA) allows a person (the principal) to authorize a named representative to act on their behalf in various legal, financial, health, and tax matters. Under the law, the named representative (the agent or attorney-in-fact) has a...
Business owners work hard to build their companies from the ground up. This process involves a substantial investment in time, money, and effort. Thus, business owners have the right to protect their intellectual property. However, immoral...
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 sought to end discrimination against employees who were physically or mentally disabled. The law covered not only those who were actually disabled, but also those who were “regarded as”...